Lesepidado investe molte risorse

Lesepidado investe molte risorse nella ricerca e sviluppo, attraverso la formulazione di nuovi prodotti, la messa a punto di sistemi di stampa non convenzionali, l'esplorazione di applicazioni innovative e i test qualitativi su prototipi e prodotti. La divisione R&D offre inoltre attività di consulenza nello sviluppo di idee e la messa a punto di progetti industriali.


bambini profughi dalla Siria

Aiuti UNICEF per 30.000 bambini profughi dalla Siria
L'UNICEF lancia un appello per finanziare gli aiuti umanitari al crescente flusso di profughi dalla Siria: già 30.000 i bambini aiutati, ma il numero triplicherà da qui a dicembre


Fiart Mare 42 Genius is an open

Fiart Mare 42 Genius is an open boat that combines speed, agility and practicality. It has a sleek line, with a large convertible cock-pit and a generous sun-bathing area on the bow.


css website design gallery

css website design gallery


We are seeing a rise in chronic childhood

We are seeing a rise in chronic childhood disease and illness: our children are suffering from asthma, learning and developmental disabilities, autism, and more. Increasing scientific evidence points to environmental causes for most of these childhood diseases and disabilities. Many people are not aware of how the industrial system triggers many diseases and how to prevent them.


Web designers

Web designers struggle every day to create impressive and usable websites, but what makes the difference between a good and functional product and a mind-blowing one?


Buy a Great Bag from Pally Giraffe

They are GREAT for every occasion – shopping, work, school, travel, overnight stays, dates, simply any moment! Now, we think every girl needs at least one Zakka Bag and these that we have here are specially handpicked from Shinzi Katoh’s range of fantastical design.


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